What is this white spot on my kid’s tooth?
If you’re having some concerns over the look of your child’s front teeth, here are some minimally invasive treatments that may be able to help.
A Parent’s Guide to Protecting Your Kids’ Teeth with an Appliance
Braces, or any appliance in your child's mouth, makes it harder to keep up with oral hygiene. Here are some helpful tips.
I have cavities, so my kid will too, it’s just destined to be true, right?
What causes cavities & some things we can do to try and prevent them.
How to take care of your kids’ teeth!
How to take care of your kids’ teeth! We’re proud to present some tips & tricks for helping you out at home.
All of my kid’s friends have braces, does my kid need braces too?
Whether or not your child is in need of orthodontics is a common question many parents have, so let’s talk about that.