Resources to Help Prevent Tooth Decay

  • Table full of colorful vegetables

    What We Eat

    Nutrition is so important for keeping our bodies healthy, did you know it’s important for keeping our teeth health too? Ancient skulls show almost no signs of tooth decay, so what is the difference between then and now?

  • Small child sleeping peacefully

    How We Sleep

    Sleep is also important for a healthy body, but did you know how you sleep can affect your dental health? Mouth breathing leads to a dried out oral cavity which increases our risk of getting cavities.

  • Small child smiling in a yellow coat

    How We Brush

    We want our children to be strong and independent; sometimes they need help with certain tasks longer than we think. Let’s make sure we’re supporting them the best we can to guide them to a lifetime of dental health!

Brushing Recommendation

From a kid!

How to Brush for your Younger Child

A grown-up should brush until their little one can reliably tie their shoes!

How to Transition your Older Child

Help them learn to brush by themselves!