Oral Hygiene

Tips for how to brush- for patients of any age.


  • Introduce a baby toothbrush as soon as possible so your little one gets used to having a brush in their mouth.

  • When teeth come up, you can start using a small smear of toothpaste (fluoridated, if possible).

  • Make it a routine and they’ll get used to it more quickly.

  • Just like a diaper change, they may not love it at first, but we promise, it’s super important and with time they’ll be comfortable with it too!

Little Kids

  • Kids will need their grownup’s help for longer than you might think.

  • Until a child is about 8 years old (able to tie their shoes and keep them tied), help them at least at night time.

  • We want your little one to build independence too, so take turns and help them learn how to do a good job!

Older Kids

  • As they begin brushing on their own, we highly recommend disclosing tablets during the transition.

  • For a while, check in on them so that the transition goes smoothly.

  • Come see us for frequent check-ups to see how their hygiene is going!

  • Remember, you only brush the teeth you want to keep!