Why hasn’t my child lost a tooth for a while?
Your child’s first baby tooth falls out around age 6 and after that, it feels like the other teeth keep fall like dominoes in a line. We can see those beautiful front adult teeth on the top and bottom arch and many caregivers assume that their child now has all of their adult teeth. But…. our bodies actually take a little break (usually) after these anterior teeth exfoliate before the canines and posterior teeth start falling out. Typically most kids lose those first 8 teeth between the ages of 6 to 8. Then there’s a break and that’s ok. The next ones to come are usually the bottom permanent canines and they usually come up about a year after the previous permanent tooth. Next up are all of the primary molars until the last baby tooth to fall out is usually the maxillary (top) canines. If you’re concerned about the timing of this process, we’re happy to answer any questions you have, so go ahead and contact us here at South Boulder Pediatric Dentistry and we’ll help you however we can!